Webhelp SAS

Welcome to PhonEthics!

At Webhelp we believe in people, this is why one of our main values is «Integrity».

We do not accept any behaviour that would infringe our Code of Conduct principles and we have a zero-tolerance policy for improper behaviours. We strongly encourage the speak-up culture within our group of companies to protect ourselves and promote our values.

To support this speak-up culture, PhonEthics is now supported through an external whistleblowing platform: the BKMS® System. This external whistleblowing platform is accessible for all employees and also external stakeholders. The platform is encrypted and guarantees anonymity if needed.

When an employee or an external stakeholder is concerned or suspects selflessly and in good faith that a breach of the Code of Conduct and/or applicable law has occurred or will occur, these suspicions may be reported anonymously – if local laws allows it – through PhonEthics with all possible relevant information capable of substantiating the allegation. Any such report will be received in confidence by the Compliance Department that will acknowledge receipt of the report and give its author a reasonable timeframe to consider its admissibility.

We will ensure a fair process in the case of an investigation, respecting the principles of confidentiality and presumption of innocence. All information communicated will be shared only with those persons who have legitimate reason to know, either to ensure the concern is handled and/or the appropriate steps are taken.

Should a report not be followed by disciplinary or judicial proceedings, the data related to this report will be destroyed or archived after the closure of the verification operations in compliance with our data protection regulations.

Webhelp will not allow any retaliatory action to be taken against any employee for making a good faith report of a suspected breach of this Code of Conduct or applicable law. If an employee believes she/he has been retaliated against for reporting an issue, she/he should contact the Compliance Department.

As part of the whistleblowing process, Webhelp carries out automatic processing of personal data, in compliance with Webhelp Privacy Policy and with any applicable legal and regulatory requirements.

We are a people-first company, we conduct ethical business!

Should you face any technical issues with PhonEthics, please send an email to lionel.thibert@webhelp.com

Why using an external whistleblowing system?
Who can submit a report?
What can I report?
Why should I submit a report?
How do I receive feedback and remain anonymous at the same time?