Efacec Power Solutions SGPS S.A.

Stand up for what’s right and help us protect our Culture!

At Efacec, we are committed to responsible business. We aim to comply with any applicable laws and regulations, as well as ethics and compliance international standards, being respectful of the environment and the communities around us.

Our values guide our daily actions and behaviour, supporting a culture of speaking and listening up, where every individual is safe to speak freely and stand up for what’s right.

Efacec Linha Ética can be used by all employees and stakeholders experiencing or witnessing a conduct that might violate the law, Efacec Code of Conduct and/or internal policies.

When calling or submitting a report, we prefer that you provide your identity, so we can handle your concern more effectively, but we also accept anonymous reports. Confidentiality is always preserved, and you will be protected from retaliation, as long as the report is made in good faith.

I thank you personally for your dedication and commitment. By speaking up you bring about constructive change and contribute to a responsible business, where management has access to relevant information from anyone who has it.

Ângelo Ramalho

Why is it important to report misconduct or irregularities?
What kind of incidents can I report?
How does the process for submitting a report work?
How do I receive feedback and remain anonymous at the same time?
What are the consequences of submitting a report?