Dr. Willmar Schwabe GmbH & Co. KG

If you become aware of a potential side effect or other potential risk associated with one of our preparations, please report this without undue delay and exclusively to pharmacovigilance@schwabe.de or via our contact form provided online for this purpose at https://www.schwabe-group.com/kontakt/.


There are lots of events that can damage a company. It is often difficult to evaluate how relevant a particular incident is or whether the whole situation is actually entirely harmless.

If you have the feeling that something is not right, you can report your suspicion using this platform.

‘Everyone expects companies to behave in a correct and responsible way. We rely on your reports to ensure this is the case. This allows us to uncover and remedy malpractice and issues more quickly.’

All companies in the Schwabe Group offer you the opportunity to submit reports via an external whistleblowing system. This ensures that you and your anonymity are protected effectively. You can also actively help in resolution of the case by setting up an anonymous postbox. You can find answers to the FAQs on the left and under this text.

Your contribution is vital! Your reports can help suspicious activities to be investigated at an early stage, the parties who are involved to be identified and further damage to be prevented. Thank you for your assistance!

In case you would like to report any potential compliance issues (unethical or unlawful behavior, violation of policies) related to Schwabe North America Inc. and its subsidiaries in the US or Canada, please use their whistleblowing options.

Why should I submit a report?
What kinds of reports are useful to the Schwabe Group? Who processes my report?
What is the process for submitting a report? How do I set up a postbox?
Will I receive feedback? Will I remain anonymous? Do I need to worry about any consequences?