N26 Spain GmbH

Speak Up!

At N26, we encourage everyone to speak up in case of things going wrong. No matter whether you are concerned about misconduct, misbehavior, breach of laws, regulations, guidelines or policies.

To create a confidential and safe environment to Speak Up, N26 set up this Whistleblowing platform. In doing this, we ensure everyone has the opportunity to be heard without prejudice, disadvantage or any fear of retaliation.

It is up to you whether you wish to do this anonymously or disclose your identity.

Employees (current, former or potential), contractors, and shareholders of N26 Spain are encouraged to use this platform; however, external channels may also be used to submit reports directly to competent authorities: for breaches of the law within the Spanish market, you will be able to contact directly the Autoridad Independiente de Protección del Informante for communication of such breaches, and SEPBLAC, in case these are related to Anti-Financial Crime (AFC) matters. If your matters is concerning the holding company N26 AG or N26 Bank AG, Berlin, Germany, you will be able to contact the German national competent authorities as well (e.g. BaFin, Bundesbank, Berliner Beauftragte für Datenschutz und Informationsfreiheit, Gewerbeaufsichtsamt, etc.).

Why should I submit a report?
To whom will I be reporting?
What is the process for submitting a report? How do I set up a postbox?
How do I receive feedback and remain anonymous at the same time?