For whistleblowers from China:

Please note that Chinese laws and regulations restrict or prohibit the cross-border transmission of particular “sensitive information”, including “personal information”, “important data” and “Chinese state secrets” from mainland China. As the BKMS® server is located in Germany, there is a risk that you may be violating applicable Chinese laws and regulations when transmitting such information via BKMS® System and you may be sanctioned by the competent Chinese authorities.

Personal data mainly includes all types of information recorded electronically or otherwise that can be used to identify a natural person on their own or in combination with other information, in particular the name, date of birth, ID number, personal biometric data, address and personal telephone number of a natural person.

Important data mainly includes data that is closely linked to national security, economic development and the public interest, as specified in the Chinese national standards and guidelines for important data, but this data does not include state secrets.

Chinese state secrets mainly includes matters related to state security and China's national interests, which are specified in accordance with statutory procedures and knowledge of which is restricted to a specified group of persons within a specified period of time.

Speak up! We care.

Business crime is extremely damaging to companies, administrative agencies and society. In this way, individuals can cause harm to many.

Are you a loyal, dedicated employee who enjoys working at your company? Are you aware of criminal acts that cause harm to WACKER?

Group photo of Wacker Chemie AG Executive Board
“WACKER stands for business relationships that meet exemplary ethical standards and comply with legal requirements. Should you notice any violations, please report the malpractice using the WACKER Whistleblowing System.”

We want to effectively protect you as a whistleblower and offer you a communication platform secured with the newest technologies to permit the submission of anonymous reports. At the same time, you can receive feedback on the processing status and answer questions about your report by setting up a secured postbox at the end of the reporting process.

We must all take part in preventing and fighting business crime. Your reports can help us detect criminal activities at an early stage, identify culprits and prevent further damage.

More information about the reporting process and the current policies can be found in the FAQs.

Thank you for your assistance!

Why should I submit a report?
What sort of reports will help your organization?
What is the process for submitting a report? How do I set up a postbox?
How do I receive feedback and remain anonymous at the same time?