Helaba Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen

With your report, you help the Helaba Group to protect itself from harm!

You are now within the WhistProtect® System of Dr. Buchert & Partner on a specially secured platform (BKMS® System), with which you can submit a confidential report on any violations of laws or rules at the Helaba Group of which you are aware or ask related questions of us ombudspersons.

Dr. Rainer Buchert, lawyer, Dr. Caroline Jacob, lawyer
“We treat reports confidentially”

Your information will be transmitted to us confidentially. It is not technically possible to identify you as the whistleblower as long as you do not enter any data yourself that allows conclusions to be drawn about your identity (such as a personal email address).

Following the submission of your report or inquiry, you can set up a secured postbox that allows you to enter into dialogue with us ombudspersons with or without disclosing your identity. For better clarification of your observations, we would like to encourage you to communicate with us via the secured postbox. In our experience, anonymous reports without the possibility of follow-up questions often do not represent a sufficient basis for understanding situations and thereby prevent an effective investigation of the report. Information on setting up a postbox can be found here.

As lawyers, we are subject to an obligation of confidentiality, and we will handle your reports in the strictest confidence. The disclosure of your identity to employees of the Helaba Group (e.g. Compliance, Human Resources) will only take place if you as whistleblower expressly consent to the sharing of your name.

Please note that this system may not be misused to submit knowingly false or slanderous reports.

Why should I submit a report?
What happens with my report?
What is the process for submitting a report? How do I set up a postbox?
How do I receive feedback and remain anonymous at the same time?