Erwin Hymer Group SE

Compliance affects all of us – Do your part!

We, Erwin Hymer Group (EHG), are a company with a long tradition based on an unparalleled pioneering spirit, a wealth of innovation and high integrity. This is only possible thanks to our core ethical values and our commitment to responsible corporate management. Legally compliant conduct is therefore a natural obligation for us all.

Alexander Leopold Board Chairperson / CEO
Alexander Leopold
Board Chairperson / CEO
Jan De Haas Board Member / CSO
Jan De Haas
Board Member / CSO
Stefan Junker Board Member / CFO
Stefan Junker
Board Member / CFO
Jan Francke Board Member / COO
Jan Francke
Board Member / COO
“The Erwin Hymer Group is committed to social responsibility. This is why we all – board members, managers and employees around the world – always carry out our duties in compliance with regulatory requirements, laws and our own internal policies.”

Violations of laws, legal requirements or internal policies will not be tolerated. Such actions not only harm our reputation and erode public trust in our brands, products and services, they can also lead to fines and claims to compensation for damages.

We therefore encourage everyone at the company as well as third parties to report potential violations of the law, legal requirements and our internal policies without fear of reprisals – even anonymously, if desired.

Should you wish to submit your tip to an external reporting office, please refer to the external reporting offices listed in the FAQ section for Germany. In other countries, you can directly contact internally established reporting channels or similar external channels.

Please consider that making accusations against another person can have serious consequences for that person. Denunciations and false accusations are therefore prohibited. They will not be tolerated and can result in legal consequences. Only share information that you believe to be correct to the best of your knowledge and belief.

What is a report?
What should I report?
What is the process for submitting a report? What is a postbox and how do I set up one?
How do I submit a report correctly?
Can I suffer repercussions as a whistleblower?
How do I receive feedback and remain anonymous at the same time?
What external reporting offices can I contact?
Where can I find the rules of procedure for the whistleblowing and complaint procedure?