You are on a secure, external platform. Reports cannot be traced back to their origin.


Add value. Inspire trust.

That is our promise to our customers. Living up to this promise depends not only on the technical excellence of our services but also on the independence, integrity and legality of our daily work.

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“To continue to live up to the trust our customers place in us and to maintain the reputation of TÜV SÜD, we need to prevent damage to our company. Please use this TÜV SÜD Trust Channel if you have information about relevant misconduct at TÜV SÜD. You can also use the TÜV SÜD Trust Channel if you wish to send us reports concerning violations of human rights and environmental obligations in our field of business and in our supply chain.”

Are you aware of or do you have justified reason to believe that rules, laws or human rights are being violated at TÜV SÜD? Help us to keep our promise to our customers by reporting this misconduct via the secure TÜV SÜD Trust Channel*.

  • You should only give us information which you believe to be correct to the best of your knowledge. In cases of doubt, mark your report as an assumption or as information from third parties. Any individual who submits a report according to the best of their knowledge and in good faith will not suffer any disadvantages from TÜV SÜD.
  • Please note: the TÜV SÜD Trust Channel is not an emergency service! Please do not use this service to report an immediate threat to life, health, the environment or property since this communication channel is not designed to receive such information.
* The TÜV SÜD Trust Channel is the internet-based whistleblowing system of EQS Group AG (BKMS® System). A description of how BKMS® System works can be found at: The TÜV SÜD Trust Channel gives you the option of providing your contact details or setting up a secure electronic postbox that allows you to communicate anonymously and securely with the Global Compliance Team of TÜV SÜD. Reports submitted through the TÜV SÜD Trust Channel are not traceable using technology. However, please note that the description and nature of the case may enable conclusions to be drawn about the whistleblower’s identity.
What kind of report is useful to us?
Why should I submit a report?
What is the process for submitting a report? How do I set up a postbox?
How do I receive feedback and remain anonymous at the same time?
Who will receive and process my report?
Rules of Procedure
Legal information