Lowell Financial Services GmbH
Please note: Lowell Nordics Oy has implemented their own incident reporting platform. If you would like to send a report related to Lowell Nordics Oy, please use the following link: https://www.bkms-system.com/lowell-nordics.

Your knowledge can help!

"But I don't know if it's even worth mentioning..."

No matter how small the suspicion may be, maybe you can give the decisive hint - because your knowledge helps us!

Do you know or suspect that laws or regulations are being violated in the Lowell Group? If so, you can report this via this protected, external platform - anonymously if you wish. Your legitimate interests will be taken into account as far as legally possible. All information will be kept strictly confidential.

Thank you very much for your support!

Why should I submit a report?
What sort of reports will help my organisation?
What is the process for submitting a report? What is a postbox and how do I set up one?
How do I receive feedback and remain anonymous at the same time?