Silicon Austria Labs GmbH

Silicon Austria Labs Incident Reporting – together against criminal activity and damaging behaviour

At Silicon Austria Labs, whose majority shareholder is the Republic of Austria, research excellence and responsible and sustainable corporate governance take centre stage. Integrity and legally compliant behaviour are therefore of the utmost priority to us.

The following whistleblowing system is available to you as an employee, former employee or business partner to report potential violations of laws and regulations. The system is operated by an external company. However, incoming reports are handled exclusively by the Compliance department of Silicon Austria Labs in strict confidentiality. The electronic system allows you to submit reports and questions on illegal or irregular behaviour in a secure and anonymous manner.

With this system, we have added to the existing communication channels for violations of rules, such as reporting to direct managers and those responsible for specific topics. All reports and questions are systematically and consistently pursued. Please only share information that is true to the best of your knowledge.

We assure you that we will adhere to the compliance guidelines diligently and to the best of our ability and thank you for your assistance!

Why should I submit a report?
What kinds of reports are useful for our company?
What is the process for submitting a report? How do I set up a postbox?
How do I receive feedback and remain anonymous at the same time?