Penske Automotive Europe GmbH

Welcome to the whistleblowing system of Penske Automotive Germany!

The compliance with laws as well as company-internal rules and regulations has always been extremely important to the companies of the Penske Automotive Group. Serious and constructive reports help us deal with violations early and prevent or reduce harm to our company, employees, business partners and customers.

Jens Werner
Jens Werner, CEO
Christian Boe
Daniel Jacobs, CEO Jacobs Group
“Violations of laws and regulations can cause lasting harm to our reputation and our future prospects. Every report helps us identify risks early and make necessary changes for the future.”

Our whistleblowing system offers you an opportunity to submit reports while still remaining entirely anonymous. The main focus here lies on the reporting of suspected illegal activity within the following categories:

  • Corruption / bribery
  • Fraud / breach of trust / bribery
  • Theft/embezzlement
  • Anti-competitive actions and anti-trust violations
  • Violations of data protection regulations and IT security policies
  • Violations of environmental protection regulations
  • Violation of internal policies
  • Discrimination / harassment / bullying by colleagues or superiors

Within the course of the investigation, we protect the whistleblower while also respecting the valid interests of persons impacted by a report. Please consider that casting suspicions and making accusations against a specific person can have serious consequences for that person. We ask that you make responsible use of the whistleblowing system.

An open communication culture based on trust is an important aspect of our company’s values. We are therefore pleased to offer you this whistleblowing system as another channel for drawing attention to abuse and malpractice.

Why should I submit a report?
What sort of reports will help your organisation?
What is the process for submitting a report? How do I set up a postbox?
How do I receive feedback and remain anonymous at the same time?