You are on a secure, external platform. Reports cannot be traced back to their origin.

ADRA Deutschland e. V.

Unwavering and effectual help for those in need

Dear users,

Our work is about helping people in need. We do everything we can to improve the quality of our activities, and we are committed to accountability: to beneficiaries, institutional backers and individual donors.

Furthermore, we are open to criticism, improvement suggestions and complaints. This is why we established this feedback channel. You can report incidents here anonymously. We guarantee confidentiality, and we will investigate the incident in good faith. Please don’t hesitate to share your knowledge with us and help us learn to be better.

ADRA Germany Compliance

Why should I submit a report?
What is the process for submitting a report, how do I set up a postbox?
How do I receive feedback and remain anonymous at the same time?
Who will process my report? How long does processing take?
How do I react in an acute emergency?